Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

The One Goal I Spaced On and My First Giveaway

When I made my goal list for this year (you can read them here) I spaced on an important goal.

A very important goal.


A small collection of writing books

A small collection of writing books

Of course I had intentions to learn more through the year. I had a goal I didn’t publish of ensuring I submitted a piece every month to my critique group and a thought of perhaps finding a second critique group so I could be critiquing and getting critiqued more than once a month. I also have ordered and downloaded some more books on writing and self-editing. My dream is to have enough money to buy a professional manuscript assessment/edit sometime through the year.

Somehow I forgot to make myself accountable for my goal to learn more.

I want to be a better writer. I want to see my stories published. My deepest desire is to one day have someone tell me they have a crush on one of my characters.

I’m going to learn and grow as much as I can this year.

What do you want to learn or learn more about?

The prize!

The prize!

Now, for a bit of fun and to help promote some learning I’ve decided to do my first giveaway (yay!). I’m giving away my spare copy of Elizabeth Lyon’s ‘Manuscript Makeover’, a great book on self-editing and revision which gives many tips to help you improve your writing in general as well. For anyone concerned, this is an unread copy, I have two due to a gift giving mix-up and I’ll be keeping my well-read copy for myself.

The winner will have to be willing to provide their postal address to me so I can send the prize when the contest is over. Without further ado, behold: The Rafflecopter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Elizabeth Barone

    You know, I forgot to set the same goal. That’s okay, though; it kind of comes automatically. I dropped ~$40 on writing related books tonight. I want to improve my conflict and suspense. I also want to find a plot structure that works for my writing style.

    I’d like to get better at self-editing, too, but man, it’s hard. I’m just going to suck it up and start looking for ways to hire an editor. I know a few authors who edit their own stuff, and it comes out great. I have no idea how they do it! My brain dies a little when I try to switch gears like that.
    Elizabeth Barone recently posted..Twitter Ads ResultsMy Profile

    • Kirstie

      It is very hard to switch from writer to editor. If I don’t switch over correctly I miss so many things. I try to amp myself up for editing by reading one of my self-editing or writing books.

  2. Talitha Kalago

    Yay! Giveaways are always fun!

    • Kirstie

      I’ve always wanted to do one 😀

  3. Roxy Kade

    Thanks for the giveaway!
    I believe that no matter what you do in life you can never stop learning. Whether it be growth within the field you are in, or learning new skills.
    In the year since my debut was published I have grown tremendously as a writer and there’s just no stopping the amount of knowledge I will gain as the years go by.
    So this year I’m looking to continue improving my writing skills but also to learn more about the editing and publishing process.
    Roxy Kade recently posted..Review: Restrike by Reba White WilliamsMy Profile

  4. Angela

    I want to improve my creative writing skills. Also to write better essays and be more concise in my writing.

    Thanks for this giveaway! 🙂
    Angela recently posted..‘Can’t Wait for’ Books in FebruaryMy Profile

  5. AmberB

    Thanks for the giveaway. I’d love to learn how to better self-edit my writing.

  6. Violeta

    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I think this book will be very interesting and helpful to all authors and wannabe writers. 🙂

  7. Kait @ 2 B Read

    I think this is exactly what I need…..I’m in the middle of my manuscript and it’s not going to well…..

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!
    Kait @ 2 B Read recently posted..ChangesMy Profile

  8. Harman

    This would help me with my writing so much!

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