Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

Blown Away

It stuns me to realise this but since February 14th I have taken my current work in progress (working title is Fanta’s Story, but I can assure you that won’t be the final title) from a story outline I transferred into Scrivener to 55,000 words. I have six scene cards – yes you read right only six scenes – until I have completed my first rough draft.

It doesn’t feel real.

I’m dead serious here. It doesn’t. I started writing Storybook Perfect (back when it was called Yui’s Tale, are you sensing a similarity with my WIP titles?) when I was sixteen. I finished it in 2009, when I was 27 and off work for two months with a (still undiagnosed) vertigo disorder. It was only a rough draft finish of course and it has gone through easily eight full edits since, but to go from the first book taking 11 years to the next taking not even two whole months… it blows my mind!

Admittedly I always have had the habit of getting distracted by something shiny and new. I would start Yui’s Tale and after a chapter or a scene or two I’d get excited about ‘the Children of Tejemanya’ or ‘Evannah’ and do some writing in them and the cycle would continue with new books starting, ideas being plotted and then distraction! I’m even the same with games. I start a game, get approximately two thirds through and then something new comes out and I just can’t help but play with it. I can count the number of games I have actually watched the ending credits roll in on one hand. Ok, I lie, I need both hands, but I’ve played easily more than triple that count, keeping my success rate at under 30%. As a quick aside, oddly enough those I’ve finished I often go back and complete AGAIN. My re-completion rate is 60%. What’s wrong with me? I don’t know.

Getting back to my point now, I am easily distracted – as I just proved in multiple ways. What I think has helped me with my current work in progress is having a child.


Yep, having a child. I have so little time that I no longer waste it watching TV or just lying around. I have to use every precious minute. It keeps me focused, makes me determined. Even though I have other projects (this blog and my other secret WIP I will reveal soon) I have been able to maintain focus and tear through this. I never had that until now.

So I want to thank my precious baby, Xander, not just for being the light of my life but for helping me write like a real author. I love you.

1 Comment

  1. Liz

    Dude. I am the same way. I can easily count the number of games I’ve actually beaten on only two hands, yet jump back and forth between others I’ve yet to beat all the time. I have yet to beat Final Fantasy VIII, but have played FF7 like… four times. I have Trauma Center — the first, which my fiance hunted down for me — on my DS but haven’t touched it in weeks, but have been hooked on Fruit Ninja and TripleTown on my iPhone (I love, love TripleTown). I am such an ADD gamer, it isn’t funny. I’m looking forward to The Walking Dead video game, though; it’s going to be in episodes, and each is only a few hours long… which means I might actually complete each one in a timely manner. Gasp!

    I used to be like that with my stories and novels, too, but I’m getting better recently. I had to make a conscious decision to get better at it, though, because I decided I really wanted to be published, and consistency is key (and easier said than done, haha).

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