Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

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Updates on my progess towards getting published

February Goals Round-Up 2014

This month my goals progress has been somewhat impeded by whatever it is that this constant dizziness is. On the plus side I still made more progress in my writing than in getting a diagnosis.

I’ve been lucky enough to have a few new ideas but not lucky enough to be able to write anything of substance.

I did have a few clear-minded days, but I spent most of that time working on feedback from near-miss rejections and my critique group, thus getting some of my short stories out (or back out) into the submission pool.

Despite my vertigo I did manage go to my critique group meeting at the start of the month. Though I think I scared a few friends no one can doubt my commitment.

And no matter how little I managed to get done nothing can diminish the fact that this month my story Short Circuit became an Aurealis Awards finalist.

I hope everyone out there is making good headway on their goals for this year.

2013 Aurealis Awards Finalist

Professor Farnsworth agreesI have some fantastic news that has me super excited.

My story Short Circuit (published in Oomph: A Little Super Goes A Long Way) has been announced as a finalist in the ‘Best Fantasy Short Fiction’ category in the Aurealis Awards.

The Aurealis Awards are Australia’s premiere speculative fiction awards so this is a huge honor and I’m stoked to be in the company of so many authors I admire.

January Goals Round-Up 2014

stare at this real hard for an hour and you'll know how I've felt these last two weeks ;p

stare at this real hard for an hour and you’ll know how I’ve felt these last two weeks ;p

I wrote 11,700 words in a new novelette(working title: Grimoire) as well as two flash pieces (Anything To Fit In at 500 words, and Motherhood at 900 words) and two new short stories (God’s Chosen at 2200 words and Gaps at 5000 words), so am making progress on goal 3(writing and submitting more short stories). 20,000 words, not a shabby start to the year.

I’ve begun the major and (oh please god) final edit of Written By The Stars. I’m being guided by Holly Lisle’s How To Revise Your Novel Class, thus also taking care of goal 4(learning) as well as goal 1(editing Written By The Stars).

All up, fairly productive, though that trailed off with the return of my vertigo (dizzy heads get foggy which makes editing a little difficult and first drafts pretty damn nutty).

2013 Rounded Up Plus Goals For 2014

The cover of Oomph, the first publication I received an acceptance letter from

The cover of Oomph, the first publication I received an acceptance letter from

I started 2012 expecting little then achieving lots, so when I made my goals list for 2013 I aimed high. A tiny bit too high, but that’s no matter I still achieved plenty. My 2013 achievements include:

  • Being Shortlisted in a Writing competition (2013 Redlitzer)
  • Being published for the first time (and going to the gala event to launch the anthology)
  • Being published for the second time
  • I wrote 2 novellas(14,000 and 17,000), 8 short stories (defining short as under 10,000 words as half of these stories are between 5-8,000) and 5 flash fiction pieces (four of which you can read right now by clicking the ‘Free Fiction‘ tab in the menu above. To learn more about these stories you can check them out in my ‘Current Projects‘ page.
  • Learned how hard it can be to edit a novel you wrote in two months as compared to a novel you spent years tinkering with.
  • Wrote roughly 80,000 new words in novels (split between Key,Clocks, Quests and this years NaNo novel Between Blinks). When added to my short stories written this year I have a total word count of 146,400.
  • Learned it’s not always about what you write in new words, but that there’s a lot of editing, proofing, and effort writing submissions and sending them that takes up your time as well. Now I will no longer be discouraged if I don’t have a high word count for the month as long as I can see I was still working hard.
  • Became listed on Goodreads and Amazon as an author (still get all squiggly in the tummy about that)
  • Went to a lot of writers’ festivals

Did a fair bit of learning didn’t I? ;p

2013 felt a bit like the year of the short story to me, because I wrote so many, and 2012 was all about the novels, so this year I’m thinking of trying to find a middle ground in 2014, so my goals are as follows:

Goal #1: Finish editing ‘Written By The Stars’ and start submitting it. This goal rolled over from last year because it was harder than I thought and I kept getting distracted by shiny new ideas

Goal #2: Finish first draft of Key, Clocks, Quests. and totally come up with a better name for it.

Goal #3: Keep writing and submitting short stories.

Goal #4: Keep learning.

Yes, it’s a shorter list than last year, hopefully so I can hit all the targets this year instead of just some, and you can be sure if I hit all my goals I’ll add a few new ones.

Well everyone, I hope you have a happy (and productive) new year 😀

NaNoWriMo 2013 – Phew!

Yeah, all I can say is phew! I made it, scraping home at just over the 50,000. I slammed the 20,000 words in the last five days, but feel a bit burned out. Also, some of those later pages are going to need a hatchet attack in editing. Hmmm, apparently the competitive side of me trumped the artistic/perfectionist side of me. There’ll be time enough for editing when the draft is done (sing that to the tune of The Gambler)(totally going to make a writer’s version of that song now, but later, when rested).

Today’s my critique group Christmas party so I need to start getting stuff ready, just thought I’d fix the suspense if you were on tenterhooks as to my NaNo completion.


‘Oomph: A Little Super Goes A Long Way’ Is Out!

Oomph-frontcover-1000Huzzah! Yesterday Oomph: A Little Super Goes A Long Way released. Inside this cutely awesome cover hides another short story of mine: Short Circuit.

Oomph is available in print and for e-readers and is filled with stories of super heroes whose powers are less than awesome, not that they let that get in their way!

Short Circuit is about a sixteen year old struggling to be a good hero. She can manipulate electricity but not create it, meaning she has to electrocute herself daily to charge up for combat and is constantly running out in the heat of battle. You’ll enjoy plenty of team battles, a touch of unrequited love, and plenty of laughs.

I wrote Short Circuit specifically for ‘Oomph’. The character and her world already existed for another story (which I swear I’ll do as soon as I can rope an artist into making a comic with me), so I really just opened a window into what was originally back story for that character. It was a lot of fun writing the story, and reminded me of the fluctuating confidence of teenagers (one second you’re queen bee the next you don’t know if you can ever show your face in public again).

And awesomely this also enables me to become an Amazon Author as well (without having to self-publish!).

If you want to grab a copy, head over to Crossed Genres to select print or e-reader version and then let me know what you think.

A Gift For You

A few days ago I officially became an author on Goodreads (huzzah!) and so to celebrate I thought I’d create a new page which allows you to easily access all of the free fiction I have available.

You’ll find it in the pages tabs just above, creatively named ‘Free Fiction‘ (gets the point across yeah?).

At the moment it’s a modest collection but it’s bound to grow more and more as I add more flash fiction and sneak peaks. I hope you’ll keep checking back to see what’s new.

A Big Month

Clearly October is a big month for me. I went from unpublished author to published not once but twice!

Oh, you think I’m having trouble counting hey ;p well, read this interview with Bart Leib from Crossed Genres. If you’re feeling a little lazy (or time crunched) at the end of the interview he reveals the cover and table of contents for Oomph: A Little Super Goes A Long Way, and states that it shall be released at the end of October.

Yay! Short circuit will be my second short story to be published. I’m so excited, it’s taking a lot of effort not to overuse the exclamation points.

I’ll give you all more details as to when and where to buy copies a little closer to the launch.

A few more pictures from the Redlitzer Gala Event.

The Redlitzer Gala Event

I already loved the Redland City Council for having the Redlitzer and giving me a chance to become officially published, then I loved them even more for the awesome day they gave the winners with Angela Slatter, Louise Cusack, Marianne De Pierres and Rowena Cory Daniells where they mentored us. Now, after the Gala Event I’m not sure if I can take it anymore!

Redlitzer portraitLast night was fabulous. They had sushi and gyoza (mmmm, gyoza) among the hors d’oeuvres (so naturally I kept attacking those plates, scaring the poor library crew carrying them), all the beverages were non-alcoholic (perfect for me since I can’t have alcohol anyway), and the centerpieces on the tables and stage were gorgeous.

I would have taken more photos, but a lack of baby sitters meant Xander came with us so T-J’s hands were usually full of wild toddler and I was too often engaged in conversation(or nabbing more gyoza) or signing my book (squeee!).

P1190204The official awards ceremony was kicked off by the Mayor and each of the mentoring authors stood up for their own short speeches commending and further mentoring the writers. The awards were handed out – actual trophies, big gold star trophies, they are immensely cool but I can’t seem to take a good photo of mine. I’m hoping the professional photos will have a shot of them that I can share with you all. The Editor’s Choice was selected and Margaret Dakin’s amazing story won it(I know what it’s about, but haven’t read it yet, I can’t wait to!).

The Gala Event was also the inaugural launch of the Junior Redlitzer anthology. In previous years the Redlitzer has had only teen and adult categories and they share the same anthology pages, but a junior category was added this year. Peter Matheson and Angela Sunde were their mentors and Peter Matheson had a hilarious speech praising the young writers and warning us older ones to watch out, because “those hoofbeats you hear – that’s them about to charge past you”. It makes me keen to actually go read the Junior anthology too.

P1190194With the awards over it was time to go to the signing tables. There was plenty of book swapping among the authors as we gathered up signatures for our own copies, but there were some legitimate signings too. It was very exciting taking my new signature out for it’s first spin and I only mucked up the ‘y’s swirl once.

All up it was a fabulous and fun night, with yummy food gorgeous decorations and lots and lots of love for the arts and reading. I want to thank our Mayor, Karen Williams, and Redland City Council for putting so much money into the arts and this event. I also want to thank the Queensland Writers Centre for their support of the awards. And how could I not thank the fabulous staff at the Redlands Libraries who helped organise the event and did a lot of behind the scenes work that I know goes unnoticed most of the time.

For anyone keen to nab a copy of the anthology you can buy them from any Redlands Library for $10 and plans are in the works to have them available for sale from the Angus & Robertson at Victoria Point. However if you don’t live locally there are two options for you. First up I’ll be organising a giveaway shortly so you could win a copy, or we can arrange something with Paypal and posting it out.

This is Kirstie Olley, officially published author, hoping you all have a fabulous long weekend!

author plaque

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