Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

February Goals Round-Up 2014

This month my goals progress has been somewhat impeded by whatever it is that this constant dizziness is. On the plus side I still made more progress in my writing than in getting a diagnosis.

I’ve been lucky enough to have a few new ideas but not lucky enough to be able to write anything of substance.

I did have a few clear-minded days, but I spent most of that time working on feedback from near-miss rejections and my critique group, thus getting some of my short stories out (or back out) into the submission pool.

Despite my vertigo I did manage go to my critique group meeting at the start of the month. Though I think I scared a few friends no one can doubt my commitment.

And no matter how little I managed to get done nothing can diminish the fact that this month my story Short Circuit became an Aurealis Awards finalist.

I hope everyone out there is making good headway on their goals for this year.


  1. Talitha

    Not scared, worried.

    Given you almost fell off the chair three times, I think that worry was justified. None of us had time for a bleeding head wound. 😛

    • Kirstie Olley

      People with vertigo should not sit on chairs with wheels ;p

  2. Faith

    I’m sorry illness is impeding your work. I struggle with this a lot. *hugs*

    My vertigo is likely meniere’s disease. I’m young for it, but my father had it. I have other illnesses that COULD be it, and meniere’s is diagnosed by elimination, so that’s why I say “likely”. Anyhow, when the weather is humid, I have a much more difficult time. Also triggered by certain foods, including caffeine, and stress, and a slew of other things. It’s nearly impossible to write a lot of the time, but as with most things, I adapt in new ways over time. Hang in there and take care of yourself!
    Faith recently posted..What I Read in February 2014My Profile

    • Kirstie Olley

      Thanks Faith. I’m actually surprised by the number of writers I know that struggle through medical concerns but still find a way to follow their dreams. You’re right about stress and some foods, caffeine and alcohol set me off so I’ve been avoiding both for 4 years (when my first episode happened) which makes life cheaper ;p
      Let’s both hang in there 🙂

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