stare at this real hard for an hour and you’ll know how I’ve felt these last two weeks ;p
I wrote 11,700 words in a new novelette(working title: Grimoire) as well as two flash pieces (Anything To Fit In at 500 words, and Motherhood at 900 words) and two new short stories (God’s Chosen at 2200 words and Gaps at 5000 words), so am making progress on goal 3(writing and submitting more short stories). 20,000 words, not a shabby start to the year.
I’ve begun the major and (oh please god) final edit of Written By The Stars. I’m being guided by Holly Lisle’s How To Revise Your Novel Class, thus also taking care of goal 4(learning) as well as goal 1(editing Written By The Stars).
All up, fairly productive, though that trailed off with the return of my vertigo (dizzy heads get foggy which makes editing a little difficult and first drafts pretty damn nutty).
I have vertigo, too. It’s horrible for writing! I don’t many people who experience it. It’s hard to explain to other people just how much it really sucks. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with it! Good job with the 20k, a very nice start to the year, and good luck with editing! It’s rough stuff!
Faith recently posted..What I Read in January 2014
Thanks Faith. Fortunately most of my friends and family understand my vertigo and usually my attacks are few and far between.
Also, I forgot to check, but did the anthology make it to you safe and sound?