Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

Library Card

Om nom library card

Today I finally got my library card.

It’s shocking, I know. How does someone who reads at least two books a month have gone so many years without a library card? Well I always had the disposable income to buy whatever book tickled my fancy. I know when you borrow the book from the library it is supposedly tallied up so the publishers know the author’s book is being read (the internet says so, so I guess it must be true…), but I know buying the book leads to more benefits for the author so would buy because that mattered to me.

Now my disposable income is dramatically smaller (and what little I do have keeps getting spent on Xander) and I can’t just buy anything I see and want (which is my habit).  Over the last few months my ‘To Be Read’ pile has been reaching almost manageable levels (I mean gosh, I can’t remember the last time I was down to ten books left to read), but of course interesting books keep sweeping by asking for me to buy them and I’ve had to be strong and say no. Afterwards I go home and write the title in a Notepad file on my laptop and there the book sits and waits, and soon, very soon I will go to the library and borrow it.

So many cool features have been added to libraries since I last went too. Apparently you can now go online and search if the book you want is there at the branch you want and if it isn’t you can just email a request to transfer it and they’ll SMS you when it arrives in the branch. Wow! Technology!

I feel so old saying that.

It’s crazy that some of my fondest memories of my youth were spent in the Lismore library, yet I haven’t owned a library card since moving out of home.

Is anyone else out there like me? Or could you not live life without your library card in your wallet/purse? And does anyone know if the internet is lying to me by claiming authors still get acknowledged for how many times their book is borrowed from the library?


  1. faith

    I love the library! I go at least once a week. I love how far library systems ha e come, they have ebooks now, too.
    faith recently posted..Autumn on the Ground if Not the SkyMy Profile

    • Kirstie

      E-books too? Wow! I’ll have to see if my local does that too.

  2. Erica

    I like carrying my library card in my wallet, even though I don’t have much time to go. I’ve been a member for years and years and years. It was fabulous going when the children could sit and listen to their bookreadings..not long for you to go! Keep an eye out for all the cool kids events they have on during the holidays. I don’t know about the borrowing thing for authors but it would be nice for them to get such feedback. Great photo, really clear! What camera do you use (I’m into photography this week).

    • Kirstie

      The camera is a Panasonic Lumix (model DMC-T27) it’s a few years old but still really great to use.
      I’m looking forward to when we can do the book readings and activities. When I signed up the lady at the counter gave me a lot of info on the school holidays activities. I bet Xander can’t wait either ;p

  3. Erica

    We have similar cameras.. only the owner doesn’t take pictures as well as you do. I have a panasonic lumix model dmc fs7! There is no doubt that for me, one of the best things about having young children was the excuse for me to go to all those kids activities, this includes christmas carols, lights and fireworks! lol

    • Kirstie

      My secret of taking good pictures is take twenty, pick the best ;p
      Surely you can still do carols, fireworks and Christmas lights as an adult, or does Brendan not wish to be dragged along?

  4. Trish Byrnes

    I have a kindle to read e books BUT I still prefer the old fashion books — easier to curl up and read -on the day bed with a coffee — the kindle does do the mood thing.

  5. Trish Byrnes

    should read “does not do the mood thing”

    • Kirstie

      I know what you mean, there’s something very special about real books. I’ve heard a lot of people put it down to smell. I’m not sure how but there is a magic to them.
      I still want a e-reader though ;p

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