Always quirky, sometimes sweet speculative fiction

The Australian Speculative Fiction Authors Challenge

December is here, so long to National Novel Writing month, you were good to me and my third novel. You got me 58,577 words into what I’m estimating will be a 100-120,000 word novel. For anyone interested in how I did it, read my previous post, but for those who are curious as to the content of my novel you’ll be glad to hear that in a few days I will be posting as part of a blog hop. ‘The Next Big Thing’ blog hop is being hosted by Mary Tod over on A Writer of History and my post date is December 5. I’ll be giving you some great info on the story and how the idea came into existence, so watch this spot.

An idea has been brewing in my brain for a few months now, ever since I first stumbled upon the Australian Women Writer’s website and saw their Australian Women Writer’s challenge. I started thinking: how much do I read Australian speculative fiction? Well, I love Kate Forsyth from back at high school’s end when I was reading the Witches if Eileanan saga which somehow I never finished reading (I know, what is wrong with me? It was a case of the books were coming out as I read them and there was a big gap, I lost track and bam, ten years later),  Isobelle Carmody was the woman who inspired me to write fantasy with her Obernewtyn Chronicles (yes, blame her! Before that I was writing children’s slice of life (I was ten) and Goosebumps inspired tales (repeat, I was ten)). Aside from those Aussie goddesses of fantasy I haven’t read much Aussie stuff. For shame!

So here’s my self-inflicted wake up slap. I challenge myself to read at least one new Aussie spec-fic author each month next year. My champion challenge will be to finish any series I have not yet finished by those authors as well.

I’m also hereby inviting you all to join me. If you’re struggling to think of any Australian spec-fic authors, let me give you a hand:

Alison Goodman

Alison Croggan

Lian Hearn (ok, not aussie born, but she’s lived here for nearly 40 years, you’ve got to hand over citizenship for that)

Kim Wilkins

Pamela Freeman

Garth Nix

Fiona McIntosh

Traci Harding

Kate Forsyth

Isobelle Carmody

Tansy Rayner Roberts

Rowena Cory Daniells

Marianne DePierres

Paula Weston

Now this list is obviously incomplete, if you know any one missing let me know, if you are an author and want your name added tell me and I’ll include you. I will not hold being self-published against you either, so give me your name, I’d love to add it.

I’m working on making a Goodreads group for this challenge as well, so if you’re keen, join me there to take part.


  1. Mary Tod

    Congrats on the NaNo efforts and thanks for the mention. I’ll look forward to seeing your post next week.

    • Kirstie

      Thanks. I’m having a lot of fun answering the questions.

  2. Amber

    I am currently loving Trudi Canavan. If you haven’t read her Black Magician series you absolutely must! 🙂

    • Kirstie

      I’ll definitely add it to my list!

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